Code-switching dalam Bahasa Indonesia artinya adalah alih kode. Alih kode disini maksudnya adalah pengalihan bahasa yang digunakan oleh pengguna bahasa dalam melakukan tindak tutur untuk berkomunikasi dengan lawan bicaranya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan tujuan melihat code-switching apa saja yang dilakukan oleh para penyiar dan penggemar sebuah stasiun Radio di salah satu radio di Padang, Sumatera Barat dalam acara request lagu-lagu Batak. Dalam hal ini, para penyiar maupun penggemar melakukan alih bahasa dengan lebih didominasi oleh Bahasa Indonesia yang dicampur dengan Bahasa Batak. Pengalihan yang terjadi bukan hanya pada kata tetapi pada prase maupun kalimat yang dituturkan, sehingga terjadi komunikasi yang cukup sehat dan mudah dimengerti. Alih kode ditujukan untuk membantu kedua fihak, baik penyiar maupun penggemar dalam memahami apa yang disampaikan pada acara dimaksud
This mini research tried to investigate about code and code switching in the discourse of Broadcasting radio program which is there are an interactive ways in that program. The program that will be investigated is about Bagas Godang Program at radio BOS FM Padang. Bagas Godang is a program of requesting Batak and Mandailing songs.
Generally, codes that used in the program can be in Indonesia and bataknese. Both languages combine and switch each other by the speakers. It can be happened in the interactive situation, in the contents of speaking, between the people who join it and so on.
In general, language that used in Radio Program is Indonesian, because every people understand about it. Although the listeners are in Padang who used Minang language, but the broadcasters do not use it, exception if it is on the minangnese programs.
There are many programs that intents in radio, especially in BOS FM Padang Radio Keluarga Pantas Disuka, one of them is Bagas Godang. This program is at 07.00 pm up to 09.00 pm on Wednesday. The program is for the listeners who come from North Sumatera, who understand Batak language and also for everyone who like and want to listen Batak, Mandailing and Tapanuli Selatan songs.
The introductory of language used by the broadcasters in this program is Indonesian, and it can be changed to Bataknese depend on the listeners or the participants who get participation of it. If the listeners speak Indonesia he will join with him/her, but if the listeners can follow his Bataknese he will continue to use Bataknese.
Code switching is a term in linguistics referring to alternation between two or more languages, dialects, or language registers in the course of discourse between people who have more than one language in common[2]. Sometimes the switch lasts only for a few sentences, or even for a single phrase. The switch is commonly made according to the subject of discourse, but maybe for a variety of other reasons such as the mood of the speaker.
Suwito in Maryono[3] stated that code switching is a changed of languages from one code to another codes. The changes of code can be in the variations, style or register. Then if a speaker at the first time used code A and then used code B, the change of codes is code switching.
According to Coffey[4] code switching is the practice of moving between variations of languages in different contexts. Everyone who speaks has learned to code-switching depending on the situation and setting. In an educational context, code-switching is defined as the practice of switching between a primary and a secondary language or discourse.
Then, Hymes in Chaer and Agustina[5] stated “code switching has been come a common term for alternate us of two or more language varieties of languages, or eve speech styles”. So he said that code switching is the varieties of using two or more languages in speaking.
Further, code-switching is the concurrent use of more than one language, or language variety, in conversation.[6] Multilinguals – people who speak more than one language – sometimes use elements of multiple languages in conversing with each other.
Thus, code switching is the use of more than one linguiatic veriety in a manner consistent with the syntax and phonology of each variety. It is distinct from other language contact phenomena, such as borrowing, pidgins and creoles, loan translation (calques), and language transfer (language interference).
Hymes in Sumito in Maryono, et. All[7] said that there are two kinds of code switching. First is internal code switching and the other is external code switching. Internal code switching is the change of code in a language, for example from a dialect to another dialect, from one style to the other style. Then, External code switching is the changes of languages from a language to another language that is different, for example from Indonesia to English, from Indonesia to Bataknese.
Moreover, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[8] classified Code switching into four types; they are intersentential switching, intra-sentential switching, tag-switching, and intra-word switching. Intersentential switching[9] occurs outside the sentence or the clause level. (i.e. at sentence or clause boundaries). Then, Intra-sentential switching[10] occurs within a sentence or a clause. Next, tag-switching[11] is the switching of either a tag phrase or a word, or both, from language-B to language-A. And the last, intra-word switching occurs within a word, itself, such as at a morpheme boundary.
In addition, Wardhaugh[12] stated that there are two kinds of code switching : situational and methaphorical. Situational code switching happens when the speakers speak one language in one situation and another in a different one. And metaphorical code switching is when the change of topic requires in a change in the language used.
From Maryono, et. All[13], he divided code switching based on the period, there are two kinds of code switching, they are temporary code switching and permanent code switching. Temporary code switching is the change of code that used by a speaker in a short time and then the speaker will come back to the codes that he used before soon. Permanent code switching is a switch of code that happen permanently. If the speaker switches from the first code to the second code, he never be back to the first code. The change of code usually happens because of the relationship of the speaker and the hearer (interlocutor), for example from the unfriendly situation to friendly situation.
Further Chaer and Agustina[14] stated that the causes of code switching are the speaker or utterer, the hearer or interlocutor, the change of the situation by the present of the third person, the change of formal into informal style or on the other hand, and the change of the topic of speaking. A speaker often does code switching to get something form his acts. Code switching that done by the speaker is because usually he wants the interlocutor helping him. And also for interlocutor, because of he wants to make his interlocutor understand. The present of the third person also make code switching, sometimes it needs to switch the code to make the third person get interact in the speaking. The change of situation can make the change of code, from formal to informal, from formal to friendly, and the last the change of topic also make the code switching happened.
It also happens or relates to, and sometimes indexes social group membership in bilingual and multilingual community. And it has the relation also to behaviors and class, ethnicity, and social positions.[15]
So, code switching can be happened because of so many caused, the caused can be only in one situation but also can happen in a same time. So there are so many things that influenced the code switching in an interaction in daily life. And of course, in this time the code-switching that wanted to be found is what happened in a Radio Broadcaster.
The method of collecting the data in this research is by recording the request of batak and mandailing songs in the program of Bagas Godang in Radio BOS FM. The researcher took the data from two times of this program, and she has got the corpus. From the corpus that she got she took five requests or five conversations that taking part in that request as a sample of her research. The data that she has got will be analyzed by looking the codes that used by the requesters or participants and the broadcaster and also by two broadcasters in that program.
In general, codes that found in the discourse of broadcasting of Bagas Godang radio program involved Indonesia and Bataknese. Code switching that happened in broadcasting radio program can be influenced by some factors; they are introductory code, situational of speaking, topic of speaking, the presents of third persons, the change of interlocutor, etc.
By hearing the recording of the program back, the writer found that the switching of the code not happen only in one factor separately, but also can be happened in some factors at the same time.
The speaker can switch their code if the other speaker used another code when they speak. For example, if a speaker A used code A and the speaker B used code B, the speaker A switch his code in to code B. Code switching can be found dominantly used in different codes in the program of radio. In her findings she found that there are code switching from Indonesian to Bataknese and also from Bataknese to Indonesian.
Below is the conversation in interaction in Bagas Godang Program of radio BOS FM.
B 1 : /Kita salami lah dulu buat yang dirumah.
Apa kabarnya, horaslah sude. Horaslah sude, gimana itu ?/
(Let’s Say hello to everyone at home. How are you? Horas all of you, Horas all, how?)
B 2: /he…he…/
B 1: /Horaslah semuanya.
(Horas all of you)
B 2: /Iya./
B 1 : /Mudah-mudahan nian adong hamu na di
bagas san arion marsehatan do sude, mang tolu minggu e..eh..
Pandokon ni halak mandailing, mang tolu minggu hita na marsuo ntong./
(I hope you are all at home fine, It has been three weeks eeh. Mandailing people said we haven’t met for three weeks, have we?)
B 2 : /ha..a. ….sedih./
( ha..a… felt sad.)
B 1 : /Olo mantong, mudah-mudahan nian
borngin on bisa tar aha on … tar aha goarna …. Dipuas-puaskon antong borngin on./
(Of course, why not. We hope this night can
give the satisfaction to all of the listeners. )
B 2 : /Mungkin sedikit lupa, harinya hari
apa aja…Tonang./
(Maybe you forgot the day, what day Tonang ?)
B 1 : /Ima so ingot hamu buse ntong, bagas
godang khusus hamu na ….ya buat semua yang suka mendengarkan lagu-lagu batak ya. Tidak mesti harus orang batak./
( That’s all, I make you remember about Bagas Godang specially for you …. For all people who like to listen batak song. Not only for bataknese people)
B 2 : /Iya./ (Right.)
B 1 : /Kalau ada yang masuk berbahasa Indonesia
pun boleh./
(If anyone who speak Indonesia want
to join, please.)
Notes: B1 (broadcaster 1) and B2 (broadcaster 2)
Between Broadcaster 1 and Broadcaster 2, there are code switching, they used code A and sometimes code B, to make understand each other and also to give the information to the other audiences who can speak Bataknese and also who can not speak Bataknese. So they can invite the audiences to join with their program, although the audiences can not speak Bataknese.
Broadcaster (B): /Bagas Godang, Selamat malam !/
(Bagas Godang. Good Evening!)
Participant (P): /Halo !/ (Hello ! )
B : /Horas !/ (Horas)
P : /Horas !/ (Horas)
B : /Horas ma tondi mi ate, sian
ise do on ?/
(I hope you always fine, who is calling?)
P : /Murni./ (Murni)
B : /Murni, didia do ho anggi ?/
(Murni, where are you ?)
P : /Di sisingamangaraja./
( In Sisingamangaraja)
B : /Aho ado margata on ?/
(What is your surname?)
P : /Pulungan./ (Pulungan)
B : Pulungan, boru pulungan.
(Pulungan, your surname is pulungan)
P : /Olo./ (Al right.)
B : /Mati do lampu nakkinin disi, anggi ?/
(Is the lamp off just now, sister?)
P : /Inda./ (No.)
B : /Inda. Ala lei, bo ma agoan nakin rohakku ate ?/
(No ? wah…I think you have felt lost
of this program just now, aren’t you?)
P : /Olo./ (Ofcourse !)
B : /Mang mangan, mang mangan ma
nggi ?/
(Have you taken lunch, sister?)
P : /Mandung./ (Yes, I have.)
B : ………………..
The events above are the conversation between a broadcaster and the participant in Bagas Godang program in radio BOS FM. At the first time the broadcaster used Indonesian “bagas Godang, selamat malam!”…… The caller continued with “hallo”, and the broadcaster used code in Bataknese “Horas”, the greetings in Bataknese. The greeting ‘Horas” will be said too by the caller, because it is same with greetings of “How do you do?” in English that should be answered by the same utterance.
The broadcaster continued his talking with saying “Horas ma tondi ni ate, sian ise do on ?” (I hope you always fine, who is calling?). The conversation continued with code of Bataknese, because the contact happened between them so the conversation in Bataknese can continue until the end of the interaction.
The conversation above gave the fact that code switching caused by the utterances of interlocutor / participant before. Although it opened with ‘Selamat malam’, but it continued into another code, Bataknese. The relax of conversation happened when there is an interaction betweeen them, they can use the same code and they understand each other.
Broadcaster 1 (B 1) : / Dari Murni ini ya. /
( From Murni, isn’t she?)
Broadcaster 2 (B 2 ) :/Ima Murni. Agak kebingungan ya Pasaribu dengan bahasa mandailing ?/
(That’s Murni. Do you fell confuse, Pasaribu with the language, Bataknese ?)
B 1 : /nggak./ ( No, it’s ok.)
B 2 : /Nggak ya? Ngertilah pasti ya? / (You didn’t get difficult, do you? You can understand, can’t you?)
B 1 : /Ngerti. Saotik./
( Yes, I understand, a little.)
B 2 : /Angkatlah lagi tu Pasaribu ! /
(Answer the phone, Pasaribu !)
Here is between the two broadcasters, there are two codes that they used, they used Indonesian and also bataknese. Both of them try to make the conversation run well. Broadcaster ‘Pasaribu’ tried to speak bataknese a little and the broadcaster ‘Tonang’ also tried to combine Indonesian and Bataknese, so they can make understand one each other.
B1 : /Bagas Godang, Selamat malam, Halo !/
(Bagas Godang, Good evening, hello!)
B2 : /Halo! Bagas Godang, Selamat malam !/
(Hello ! Bagas Godang, Good evening !)
P : /Halo !/ (Hello !)
B1 : /Malam, Horas !/ ( Good evening ! Horas !)
P : /Horas !/ (Horas !)
B1 : /Horas, Horas mauliate !/
(Horas, horas thank you !)
P : /Terima kasih kembali./ ( You are well come !)
B1 : /Siapa ini ?/ (Who is calling ?)
P : /Dari Mandailing atas./
(From Mandailing atas.)
B1 : /e eh./ ( Ha…)
P : /Dari Kak Ida Munthe, mau bergabung./
(From kak Ida Munthe, want to join this
B1 / B2: /Kak Ida Munthe yang di Bandar Buat ya ?/
(From kak Ida Munthe at Bandar Buat, don’t
you ?)
P : /Iya, di Mandailing atas, Gadut./
(Right, in Mandailing atas, Gadut.)
B1 : /Gimana kabarnya ni kak di malam ini ?/
( How are you this evening sister ?)
P : /Iya, biasa-biasa aja, baik-baik saja./
( Oh fine. )
B1: Broadcaster 1
B2: Broadcaster 2
P : Participants
In this finding thewriter found that there are a temporary code switching in the events. In opening the interaction, the broadcaster used Indonesian “Selamat malam, Halo!”. Although it continued by “mauliate” but he then continued by using “siapa ini?”. He changed the code bacause he is not sure that the interlocutor can understand about his code. Till the end of the interaction, the second code “Indonesian” always used. So the switch of the code happened here depend on the interlocutor/participant. In here also happened permanent code switching because the second code Indoensian always used until the end of the conversation.
From the data findings, it can be said that code switching happened because of the used of different code by other speaker. If the interlocutor used different code, of course the broadcaster will follow that code, so the interaction will happen.
Broadcaster (B ) : /Halo…/ (Hello..)
Participant ( P ) : /Halo…/ ( Hello..)
B : /Sian ise do on abang ?/
(Who is calling, brother ?)
P : /Halo…Horas../
B : /Halo..Horas…, dari siapa ini?/
(Hello….Horas.., who is
P : / Biado ? /
(How do you do ? )
B : /Biado ! sian ise do on ?/
(How do you do ! who is
p : /Halo…/ (Hello….)
B : /Halo….matarbege do…ise do
on ?/
(Hello…have you heard
it?...who are you?)
P : /ha…./ (ha..)
B : /sian ise do on?/
( who is calling there ?)
P : /si munthe/
(I am munthe)
B : /O…bayo dalimunthe. Didia
do on ?/
(O…the boy whose surname is
Dalimunthe. Where are you now?)
P : /O…giot markirim solom do…/
( O.. I want to send my regards.)
B : / didia do on?/
(where are you ?)
P : / Di Eka sakti do on. Lagu-lagu natagi
ma jolo putar./
/ulang lagu Mandailing, na tagii/
(in Eka Sakti. Play the best song,
please, don’t play the mandailing
song, it’s not nice to be heard. )
B : …
P : …
B : /olo. Terimo kasih/
(Okay. You are wellcome)
In this datum the broadcaster and the participant always use Bataknese, because the broadcaster os sure that the caller can speak Bataknese, from the style of his language and speak. So when he spoke and can be answered by the participant he continued to speak Bataknese, although in the first speaking happened the weak of interrelation. Till the end of the conversation, the two speakers always use Bataknese, so the code switching that happened is the permanent code switching.
The writer found that code switching that happen in the events caused by some factors, the factors sometimes happened in the same time, but it can happen only by one factor only, for example just because of the Interlocutor. Code switching happened to make situation and the program more relax and interactive.
Generally code switching that happened in the discourse of broadcasting radio program happened because of the format of programs given, relax and interactive. In this situation the participants had to used their language freely and they do not have to use formal language or formal situations that should follow the rules of languages. With using their language freely, they can interact in relax situation and interactively.
This writing hoped can give a glance of views of using the language in the discourse of broadcasting radio program. The use of language itself in a program of radio is one of the ways to make the audiences interesting with their radio program, one of them in this Bagas Godang Program. And usually, the code-switching in language itself influenced by the dominant language (first language) used by the users of language.
This condition can also be happened in this country, Padangsidimpuan city. Although Padangsidimpuan is the community of Bataknese people, but the code switching can also be done by the participants or broadcasters. And it will need more interested for doing the further research about this matter.
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5. Li Wei (2000) The Bilingualism Reader. London: Routledge.
6. Maryono, Yohanes and Soepomo Poedjosoedarmo (2002), “Kode dan Alih Kode dalam Wacana Siaran Radio FM di Yogyakarta”. Sosiohumanika.
7. Myers-Scotton, Carrol (1989). Codeswitching with English: types of switching, types of communities.
8. Rampton, Ben (1995) Crossing: Language and Ethnicity among Adolescents. London: Longman.
9. Wardhaugh, Ronald (1988). “An Introduction to Sociolinguistics.” Newyork : Katerprint Co. Ltd, Oxford.
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