Tools and Assessment in Online Learning
Presented on the International Online Conference on TEFL Methods, Materials Development, and English Language Assessment at July, 5, 2020.
Held by FIK IAIN Ternate.
Eka Sustri Harida, M.Pd. 
The English Lecturer, Researcher, and Writer
IAIN Padangsidimpuan

•    In the Covid-19 era, all the students asked to learn at home, studying and learning at home.
•    Doing Distance learning and online learning with various application of learning.
•    The process of learning need to be evaluated, it is also used through online ways. 
•    The appropriate tools and kinds used to assess students’ learning, the more reliable and valid the result given.
•    The forms that  have used in assessing the students’ reading comprehension at the time of Covid-19 learning is appropriate to evaluate students’ learning, and giving good result on students’ learning.

•    The platforms used in assessing students' reading in IAIN   Padangsidimpuan are Google Forms, Google Classroom, and Whats- App and the students' reading comprehension and the students' comprehending on the concepts material are good enough.  

•    In the new era of Indonesia, online learning will be continued, and the process of learning must go, then the types, tools, and kinds of instrument used to assess will be also varies. 

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